Sarah Kitchener Award 2019

This year saw the eighth Sarah Kitchener Endeavour Awards Evening.  Sarah was a student at The Bromfords School between 1991 to 1998.  Sarah was an outstanding student who contributed to all aspects of school life.  In 2006 Sarah Kitchener was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour.   When faced with this life threatening illness Sarah’s strength and determination to keep achieving never waivered. Her courage to work hard and challenge herself when faced with adversity was an inspiration to all who knew her. In March 2010 Sarah sadly lost her battle for life.  Sarah’s fund was The Bromfords School charity between 2010 to 2011.  The school work closely with Sarah’s family and in honour of an outstanding person like Sarah, it was proposed to have the Sarah Kitchener Endeavour award.  One student per year group has been nominated by staff for their outstanding contribution to school life and personal accomplishments.  Each student will be presented with an award with an overall winner receiving a personalised trophy, £30 gift voucher and their name on the Sarah Kitchener Shield which will be kept on display at the school.

This years’ overall winner was Frederick in Year 8.  Frederick has come on leaps and bounds in developing his confidence and self-esteem whilst being able to manage his emotions in a positive way. This was clearly evident in his recent debut in the school play, Beauty and the Beast. It was a pleasure to watch Frederick flourish this year with his bubbly personality whilst overcoming challenges that this time last year, Frederick would have struggled to do independently.

As well as this Frederick continues to be an ambassador for the ASD provision, engages in visits to other schools, presents talks to pupils and staff, including head teachers and training teachers about ASD.

Frederick is an absolute credit to the school!