Year 8 Public Speaking Competition

January saw Year 8 students compete in a Public Speaking Competition. The aim of the competition was for students to develop their public speaking skills, which will be needed not only for their GCSE courses but also for the future as they progress into further education and eventually their chosen careers.

During English lessons, in preparation for the competition, students had been exploring the work of charities and how they campaign for support from the public using different styles of writing and language. The students then used the same skills to write their own examples ultimately leading to the writing of their speeches.

The final of the competition was held on Friday 17th January with the finalists performing in front of the whole Year group. Despite the judges having a difficult time agreeing on a winner, eventually the trophy was awarded to Georgia Corke who gave a very emotional speech about dementia.

The English department would like to thank all competitors for their hard work and the whole Year group for their support and encouragement given to the finalists during the final