GCSE Results 2021

Following the publication of Key Stage 4 outcomes today, we are delighted to report a strong set of GCSE and vocational results for 2021. This has been a very challenging year for all students and the significant disruption to education has been felt most keenly by those who should have taken their exams this summer. This year, following the cancellation of exams, grades were awarded through a process of teacher assessed grades, against a national standard and approved and awarded by the exam boards. The government is not publishing performance data for any schools or colleges this year due to the varying impact of the pandemic.

Deputy Headteacher, Jochen Tree, who oversaw the grading process commented ‘I am pleased that the exam boards have validated the immense and unprecedented work put in by our staff and students in ensuring a fair and robust grading process which has led to the grades issued today and would like to wish our students every success in the next steps of their education.’

Notable student achievements were as follows:

  • Saffron Hunter – 1 x grade 9; 6 x grade 8; 1 x grade 7; 1 x grade 6.
  • George Bayley – 2 x grade 9; 4 x grade 8; 1 x grade 7; 1 x grade 6; 1 x grade 5.
  • Evie Bush– 3 x grade 9; 1 x grade 8; 4 x grade 7; 1 x grade 5.
  • Megan O’Reilly – 1 x grade 9; 3 x grade 8; 4 x grade 7; 1 x grade 6.
  • Theo Yellop – 4 x grade 9; 1 x grade 8; 1 x grade 7; 1 x grade 6, 1 x grade 5; 1 x grade 4.
  • Oliver Havis– 3 x grade 8; 4 x grade 7; 2 x grade 6.

Headteacher Neil Dunn added ‘Once again our students have had to adapt and demonstrate their knowledge and skills outside of formal examinations; they have worked tirelessly to achieve the grades they have and should be suitably proud of their achievements. The resilience they have all shown this year will doubtless set them up for success in their future studies and I would like to congratulate each and every one and wish them well in their next steps.’