Jack Petchey winners for May and June 2021

Magali  – Nomination for May 2021

Magali has joined the school partway through the year from Argentina.  Magali has learned English quickly and made a large group of friends, quickly settling into the school and making a positive contribution through helping a number of other students.  She tries hard in all of her lessons and deserves recognition for overcoming the challenge of adapting to a new country.

£250 donated to Music Department


Miriam – Nomination for June 2021

Miriam is an incredibly hard-working student who always tries her best as shown in her effort grades across her Sixth Form subjects.  She has also made a significant contribution to helping some of her friends who have struggled with their challenges over the past year.  Miriam is always kind and helpful to staff and students and is a thoroughly deserving nomination.

£250 donated to Health and Social Care Department