Jack Petchey Winners

Evie, Year 11 – February 

Evie is an amazing anti-bullying ambassador, last year she assisted in making and planning a series of citizenship lessons and this year she made and planned out all of the lessons for the Year 8 Anti-Bullying citizenship lessons before and during her progress exams. Despite her exams she successfully juggled her time and planned an amazing lesson to bring awareness about ableism to the school as well as the use of inappropriate language and what we should do to counteract these issues! Whilst delivering the citizenship lessons she delivered two lessons by herself, teaching two classes that were highlighted as being challenging due to behaviour. She is an extremely hard working and dedicated student that brings a lot to Anti-Bullying and to the school community, she is very kind, caring and dedicated, she always goes above and beyond in Anti-Bullying and is a true role model to those around her.