The Bromfords School

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Ofsted Rating & Our Journey

Where we were:

In September 2022, we launched a rebrand school with the aim of raising aspirations & expectations within our school community, a community that had experienced significant instability & trauma at a critical time emerging from the pandemic. In November 2022, our OFSTED inspection acknowledged the difficult period the school had recently gone through but recognised that our new vision for high-quality education based on raising academic aspirations for students was in the early stages of being realised. Nevertheless, it was observed that some students receive a variable quality of teaching, that expectations around students’ behaviour were inconsistent & that small pockets of students did not behave well enough in unstructured times & sometimes display intolerant attitudes.

Where we are:

Significant work has taken place to improve students’ behaviour. Alongside the recruitment of new colleagues within the pastoral system, policies have been simplified with training & systems put in place to support staff. This has included the introduction of same-day detentions. There is clear evidence to support the impact of these positive changes including Local Authority reviews and student and parent voice, alongside a significant reduction in the number of fixed term suspensions. Attendance has also improved,  now being above the national figures for 2023-24 and a marked reduction in persistent absenteeism.  We have seen huge strides forward with the quality of Teaching & Learning, with lessons being consistently high quality and impactful on the progress of our students.  Our focus on adaptive teaching remains a priority along with a clear narrative of what is being taught to students & why, underpinned by ongoing quality assurance to further improve students’ outcomes.

What our Parents have said about Bromfords in Summer 2024:

97% of our Year 7 parents/carers say their child is happy at Bromfords.

92% of our Year 7 parents/carers say we have high expectations for their child.

92% of our Year 7 parents/carers say their child is doing well at Bromfords.

94% of our Year 7 parents/carers would recommend our school to other parents.

 Click here to access the Ofsted Parent view survey 

 Click here for the Bromfords Schools Ofsted reports 

Click here to access DFE School Performance Tables