The Bromfords School

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Autism Enhanced Provision

The Bromfords School is very fortunate to have an Autism Enhanced Provision (AEP) onsite for Key Stages 3 and 4 (Years 7 – 11). Our AEP provides those students with a named place, the opportunity to access a mainstream education with the enhanced support of designated trained staff and a purpose-built indoor and outdoor space to facilitate specific interventions. Students will spend approximately 60% of their timetable in mainstream classes and around 40% of their timetable within our AEP.   

 Our notional AEP roll is 15 students

Criteria for Admission

  • A diagnosis of Autism
  • A finalised EHCP with Autism as their main category of need
  • The cognitive ability to access the mainstream academic curriculum with appropriate support from the AEP to overcome their barriers to learning.

Admission Process

If you feel your son or daughter meets the above criteria, please initially discuss this with your son / daughter’s current SENCO. Intake is not restricted to September only. Regarding secondary transition we would recommend this takes place in Year 5.

If your son / daughter is part way through an EHC Needs Assessment you can also discuss this with your link local authority SEND Operations worker.

At this point you are welcome to contact us via email at to request an initial tour.

You can then request a place either through your child’s Annual Review if they currently have an EHCP or through your SEND Operations worker if they are part way through an EHC Needs Assessment.

The Bromfords School’s AEP is publicly funded so can only accept referrals from Local Authorities. Admissions must be the result of a careful assessment of need by the monthly Autism Panel, working in partnership using the assessments provided by professionals. The Autism Panel membership, is made up of Autism Support leads, SEND Operations team members, Autism outreach special school leads, Autism SEND Strategy lead, Senior Specialist EP for Autism and Autism training coordinators.

If panel agree a place The Bromfords School Autism Enhanced Provision will be named on their EHCP.

Please note that students who are currently educated within The Bromfords School’s mainstream setting must follow the same process, to ensure equity for all students in the county.