The Bromfords School

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Exams & Assessments

Exams and formal assessments play a crucial role in your child's education. They serve as important benchmarks for measuring students' understanding and mastery of the curriculum. Through these evaluations, students can demonstrate their knowledge, identify areas for improvement, and prepare for future academic and career pursuits.

Formal assessments also provide teachers with valuable insights into students' progress, allowing them to tailor instruction to better meet individual needs. Moreover, exams encourage the development of essential skills such as time management, critical thinking, and problem-solving, which are vital for success beyond school.

To ensure that students are prepared for the examinations they face for their GCSE and A Levels we carry out assessments across all year groups at least once once per year.  The assessment schedule below outlines when these assessments / exams are carried out.

Assessment Schedule By Year Group 

Year 7

Assessments carried out in classrooms utilising existing timetabled lessons;

From Monday 2nd June - Friday 13th June

Year 8  

Assessments carried out in classrooms utilising existing timetabled lessons;

From Monday 28th April  - Friday 9th May

Year 9

Core subjects - English, Maths & Science assessments carried out in the main Exam Hall - Separate timetable issued;

From Monday 23rd June - Friday 27th June

All other subjects assessments carried out in classrooms utilising existing timetabled lessons;

From Monday 16th June - Friday 20th June 

Year 10

Progress Exams all take place in the main Exam Hall - Separate timetable Issued; 

From Monday 24th March - Thursday 3rd April

The Full Schedule is shown below

Click here for downloadable version

Year 11

Progress Exams all take place in the main Exam Hall - Separate timetable Issued. 

There are two sets of Progress Exams; 

Progress Exams 1  - From Monday 21st October - Friday 8th November (1 week prior & 1 week after half term).  

Progress Exams 2 -  From Monday 10th February - Friday 28th February (1 week prior & 1 week after half term)

The Full Schedule is shown below. 

Non Exam (vocational) practical work / assessments - take place in subject areas and are timetabled separately.    

Please check school calendar for further details 

Click Here For Parents Exam Support Booklet

Year 12

There are two sets of Assessments 

Assessment 1 carried out in classrooms utilising existing timetabled lessons;

From Monday 18th November - Friday 22nd November

Assessment 2  take place in the main Exam Hall / Exam side rooms  - Separate timetable Issued; 

From Monday 16th June  - Friday 20th June

Year 13

 Progress Exams all take place in the main Exam Hall / Rooms - Separate timetable Issued. 

There are two sets of Progress Exams; 

Progress Exams 1  - From Monday 21st October - Friday 8th November (1 week prior & 1 week after half term). 

Progress Exams 2 -  From Monday 10th February - Friday 28th February (1 week prior & 1 week after half term)


Key Documents & Policies

Click Here For Parents Exam Support BookletNon Examinations Assessment PolicyExam Malpractice Policy   Exams Contingency PolicyEmergency Evacuation Policy (Exams)

Access Arrangements (Exam Support)

Access Arrangements are pre-examination adjustments for candidates based on evidence of need and normal way of working. Access Arrangements fall into two distinct categories: some arrangements are delegated to centres, others require prior JCQ awarding body approval. Awarding Bodies will comply with the duty of the Equality Act 2010 to make ‘reasonable adjustments’.

Access Arrangements allow candidates/learners with special educational needs, disabilities or temporary injuries to access the assessment without changing the demands of the assessment.  Access Arrangements may include Extra Time, a Reader, a Scribe and so forth during Progress Exams and formal Examinations. All Access Arrangements must be the students ‘Normal Way of Working.’ 

For full details of the different Access Arrangements available please click here.

Should you require more details regarding access arrangements please contact the school directly.