The Bromfords School

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House System

    Aqua - Water

Head of House

Mrs G Bone

Ventus - Wind

Head of House

Mrs M Kuffour

Ignis - Fire

Head of House

Miss M Simmons

Terra – Land

Head of House

Miss L Fryers


We are extremely proud of our House System at The Bromfords School  

There are four Houses within the school which are named after the four elements; Aqua; Ventus; Ignis; Terra


At the very heart of the House System is our school vision ‘Achieve, Enrich, Prepare’. Put simply, we want our children and young people to:

  • Engage in a diverse range of activities;
  • Participate in healthy competition;
  • Develop a sense of community cohesion;
  • Show compassion for other people.

Every student and member of staff is placed in one of the Houses when they join school. Each student has a House tie that represents the House that they are in. Where possible, siblings are in the same House to foster a sense of family loyalty by being a member of the House family, students and staff are encouraged to show team spirit. 

We hold regular House assemblies which are organised in a vertical fashion and are made up of students from Year 7 to Year 13. This breaks down barriers between the year groups and creates a sense of togetherness; encouraging the older students to look out for the younger ones.

Each House is led by a Head of House and they are supported by a team of student House Reps, chosen by their peers. Being a House Rep also offers them the opportunity to develop their leadership skills within the house, for example, leading charities events, organising inter-House competitions, mentoring younger students, addressing house assemblies and leading on student voice within the school.

All students have the opportunity to earn merits for their House. Merits are awarded for good work, contribution in lessons, community spirit and participation in House competitions. Students can also gain valuable merits every week for doing the right thing or going the extra mile. The House with the most merits at the end of the year receives the House Shield.


Winners for 2023 - 24 Ventus House

Congratulations to Ventus House who won the overall house Award last year.  Ventus House, led by their Head of House Mrs Kuffour won a number of key events, as well as leading the charts in individual house points won by student for their performance in the classroom throughout the year.  In second place Ignis House pushed the winners all the way, being only 686 points behind at the finish line.  Last years House Systsem was hugely successful, and whilst there can only be one winner, a huge congratulations to all of our students who contributed house points through the year, well done Bromfords Students!

Aqua         189172

Ignis         186961

Terra        184699

Ventus    189858


Mrs Kuffour & our Ventus Mascot (Mrs Philpott as Eagle) celebrate winning the House Cup for 2023-24