The Bromfords School

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The internet is a great way to discover, create and connect with people. Issues around the safe use of the internet and cyberbullying are few and far between but they do happen, in all walks of life. The Bromfords School proactively promotes e-safety and the prevention of cyber bullying. Bullying in any form has no place at The Bromfords School.

E-safety is taught within our Personal Development / ICT Curriculum, as well as within our Tutor programme, Careers advice, assemblies and contextually across all subjects.  

If you have any queries or wish to report an issue to the school, please use the ‘Contact Us’ page or alternatively contact the Head of Year for the relevant year group.

The main risks or problems associated with the internet and mobile technology are:

  • Cyberbullying.
  • Online reputation.
  • Sexting.
  • Social networking.
  • Downloading.
  • Gaming.
  • Online grooming.
  • Apps.
  • Video chat and webcams.
  • Location services.
  • Premium rate content.

Useful Links For E-Safety

Below are some great websites to help students and parents get the most out of your technology, use the internet responsibly and to keep you and those you care about safe on the internet.

National Online Safety – Information on music streaming apps & sites

CEOP website for all E-Safety related topicsNSPC online Safety AdviceInternet Matters Parent Online Safety AdviceUK Safer Internet CentreChildnet Online Safety Guidance  Social media platform advice for parents

Advice for setting up Parental Controls

In addition to parental controls offered by your internet service provider (ISP), some devices, such as games consoles, tablets and smart phones have additional settings. Please read the Parents’ Guide to Technology produced by the Safer Internet Centre for more information.