The Bromfords School

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Severe Weather Procedure

During periods of severe weather the school will make a decision to implement one of the following 3 options and communicate this decision before 7:30am

1. School open as normal

2. School open but operating with a late start - The school will officially start at 10:55am. Staff should try to get to school for the normal time but should take appropriate steps to travel safely and be mindful of local conditions. Staff should sign in at reception on arrival. The school will finish at the normal time – 3pm. There will be no after school lessons/clubs/detentions/meetings unless the weather has improved considerably during the day.

In the event of worsening weather conditions during the school day necessitating closure, we will give as much notice as possible and communicate this decision by the modes of communication listed above. The SLT will work together to ensure that students get home safely.

3. School closed  The decision to close rests with the Headteacher and the school will only close as a last resort e.g., travelling becoming hazardous, or if the site is not safe for students and staff. Some teachers will wish to contact students via Class Charts and MS Teams to set work if it is appropriate to do so. If a school closure period lasts more than two school days, our Remote Learning Policy will apply from and including the full day. 

If the school is closed, public examinations will still take place for students that are able to travel. Examinations will start at their published times. Internal examinations will be re‐scheduled for when school is open again. Once a decision has been made to re‐open after a closure period due to severe weather, this information will be provided using the communication methods listed above.

Any decision will be communicated via the website, Facebook, Instagram, text message, radio and ECC site.  

To keep up-to-date with the latest announcements parents/carers and students should check: