The Bromfords School

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Parent Voice

At The Bromfords School, we recognise the importance of home and school partnership which is why we set up our Parent Voice group.

Parent Voice, is not a fundraising committee but is a chance for parents/ carers to feel part of important decision- making process relating to the school. Meetings are relevant and focused on the school experience and the education of our students.

Meetings are chaired by Senior Leaders and are varied in their delivery. We have keynote speakers, question and answer sessions, group discussions and general feedback activities.

All parents/ carers are welcome to join Parent Voice, which meets once a term. Meeting dates and times are on our school calendar.

Parent Voice does not discuss issues relating to individual children or teachers, which can be raised through other channels such as our pastoral system. Parent Voice looks at school-wide issues that affect all students and are therefore relevant to all parents/ carers.

Here are a few examples of our previous discussion points:

  • Change in our school uniform including discussions on design, colour and implementation.
  • Parents Evenings
  • Marking and Feedback
  • Building work and Facilities

If you would like to attend a Parent Voice meeting, please read the Parent Voice Code of Conduct. Please remember Parent Voice is a general discussion forum and not a forum for discussions of individuals, students or events. Thank you




Parental Voice Meetings have been moved to Monday evenings for 2024/25, the dates are as follows:

Monday 14th October 2024 @ 6pm

Monday 3rd February 2025 @ 6pm

Monday 12th May 2025 @ 6pm

In order to continue parent/ carer engagement we ask that should you wish to raise any points or have any questions in the meantime, that you send an email to 

Thank you for your continued support.