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Revision & Resources

Revision is an essential part of independent study, allowing students to fulfil their potential in examinations

Details of various revision platforms are shown below 

Microsoft Teams & Subject Resource Hubs

Students have been given information on how to access this platform which can be used by teachers to help support students with their learning, including live lessons.

Teams is part of the Microsoft Office 365 suite.   Student accounts allow them to access the live 365 suite without paying subscription fees

All subjects will have Teams channels which contain various resources and revision  materials that can be used for revisions purposes.  The Geography hub is listed below. 

Students can discuss subject specific resources with their teachers which are accessed via the relevant Teams subject tile.

Geography Revision Hub

Click here to set up Teams 

Click here to go directly to the Year 11 Teams channel  for revision updates and resources 

Please click here to see a helpful guide to access your office 365 account


GCSEPod is the award-winning digital content and revision provider used by over 1,400 schools worldwide. Your child has access to GCSEPod’s library of over 6,000 ‘Pods,’ 3-5 minute videos designed to deliver knowledge in short bursts. Every Pod is mapped to the correct exam board, and contains all the right facts, quotes, keywords, dates and annotated diagrams that your child needs for GCSE success – all neatly organised into topics and exam playlists. It is aimed at students predominantly in Years 10 and 11 but once they have signed up all students have access to the content, whichever year group they are in.

GCSEPod can also identify knowledge gaps and automatically send playlists to your child to help them strengthen their knowledge. After completing any Assignments set on GCSEPod, your child will get a personalised “Boost Playlist” of Pods relevant to their identified areas of weakness. We strongly suggest you encourage your child to review these playlists regularly as this will speed up their progress.

As we approach exams, students can access a section on GCSEPod called “My Courses.” Here they can view upcoming exams (including exam dates) and view playlists of Pods covering the topics relevant to each exam. We ask that students review topics that have been taught in class and revise their knowledge. Students can tick the star icon to favourite any Pods they wish to return to.

For more ways to support your child using GCSEPod, please visit where you’ll find lots more information and resources.

Students have already been registered with GCSEPod, so all you need to do is activate your account by following the instructions below. If you have already activated but can’t remember their username and password, there is an option to select " Forgotten my logon details"

  • Go to and click “Login” in the top right-hand corner
  • Click “New here? Get started.”
  • Select “Student”
  • Enter your child’s name, date of birth and the school name.
  • Create a username, password, and a password hint to help them remember the password.

Click here for GCSEPod   Click here for  Student quick start video  Click here for Student quick start guide

Click here for student user manual  

Seneca Learning

Seneca Learning is a free website that students across Years 7-13 can register for and access independently.

Teachers may direct some of their classes towards key content. When logging in, choose ‘Login with Microsoft’ to use your school email address and current school password.

However, students can access all content when preparing for examinations, tailor making their experience as they require. 

The smart learning algorithms on Seneca help students remember topics better. If students get a question wrong, the content is shown again but in a different format. Seneca also makes learning interactive and engaging, hand-selected the best GIFs and memes on the internet so revision makes you laugh instead of stressed.

Click here for Seneca learning 

Sparx Maths

Sparx is one of our main platforms for setting Maths homework.   Sparx allows staff to perfectly tailored practice homework for each student driven by our scheme of learning. The practice is challenging, to ensure students need to think and, crucially, achievable so that students can be successful.

We also ensure the practice uses spaced repetition and interleaving to support a change in students' long-term memories. Sparx Maths is inclusive and can adapt to all students' current level of expertise. This promotes engagement, confidence and ultimately learning.

To access Sparx students should use the student log-in option at the top of the page, type in Bromfords to locate our school then login using their school email account and password. If the password needs resetting please contact IT support  on

Sparx Introduction

Click here for Sparx Maths 

Oak National Academy & BBC Bitesize

Students can make use of the free lessons, videos, resources and help guides on the Oak National Academy and BBC Bitesize websites.

Both of these websites contain a wealth of revision resources to support independent learning.  There is no need for setting up an account and can be accessed from any device.  They cover all different subjects for all year groups.

Click here for the Oak Academy

Click here for BBC Bitesize


Tassomai helps students and schools raise attainment in Science, English, Maths, History, Geography, Computer Science, French and Latin through the provision of adaptive, interactive learning quizzes and a powerful new AI tutor called Mai. Through regular practice on the Tassomai app and through the feedback that it gives, students develop a strong understanding of their subjects, from which they build the confidence to use and apply their knowledge creatively

Students can logon using their school email address and password.

Click here for Tassomai

Corbett Maths & Maths Genie

Both of these websites have extensive support guides, videos and question papers 

Click here for Corbett Maths

Click here for Maths Genie

Exam Board Websites 

Exam Board websites have past papers, mark schemes, exempla responses & examiners reports.  For students who are preparing for GCSE and A level exams these resources are essential to better understand question types and  how to tackle exam papers.

Students will need to check with their teachers  which exam board their subjects relate to and then follow one of the links below.

Click here for Pearson Edexcel

Click here for AQA

Click here for OCR

Click here for Eduqas

Class Charts

Class Charts is our online system for all parents/guardians/carers and students at The Bromfords School to access a range of information including:

  • Timetables & Classes
  • Homework
  • Revision resources
  • Merits and Demerits 
  • Detentions


Class Charts is free and available through several platforms via the internet.

  • Mobile App – The Class Charts app for free on both the iOS and Android app stores. There are separate apps for Parents and Students.
  • Laptop/ Computer – Class Charts can also be accessed through a web browser via the website 

 In order to log into Class Charts you need to use the following details:


Individual Pupil Code and then your DOB

if you are unable to login, please see the IT technicians in school.


Email Address and your password.

You will receive a one time use Access Code via email or letter;

Click here for class charts website