The Bromfords School

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Student Admissions

Students Joining us in Year 7

We are delighted that you are considering our school community as the next step for your child’s education.  At The Bromfords School, the progress and well-being of our students is the fundamental focus of each and every day. We are very proud of our school and work hard to ensure we create a warm, inclusive atmosphere, where every child can be the best version of themselves.

Transitioning to secondary school is a significant milestone for students and their parents/carers, and providing support during this time can help ease the process and promote a positive experience.

Aspects of our support include:

  • Visits by our staff to your child’s primary school in the Spring Term of Year 6.
  • Individual tours of Bromfords for anxious students and their parents/carers.
  • Two transition days in June
  • An induction day in September before the rest of the school returns from the summer break.
  • An opportunity to meet your child’s new form tutor in October of Year 7.
  • Bromfords Buddies where we pair incoming students with older students who can provide guidance and answer questions.

 If your child is in Year 6, you can apply for a secondary school (Year 7) place between 13 September 2024 and 31 October 2024. 

Jochen Tree


 Click here for further information to apply to secondary school

 Year 7 Online Enrolment Registration

Once your child is confirmed as having a place with us for September, to enable the secure collection of data, Year 7 student and contact information will be processed online. This process will begin after National Offer Day which will be 3rd March, 2025. Parent/carers of students joining the school will receive a ‘Welcome’ letter followed by a welcome email providing login details. These will enable you to complete your child’s enrolment information securely.  Additional information, including information relating to the transition process, will be sent to you throughout the Spring and Summer Term.

If you have any difficulties viewing any information electronically, please contact the school via or by telephoning our main switchboard, 01268 471201.

Mid Year Admissions

All admissions are administered by the school in accordance with the DfE’s Admission Code of Practice. Parents wishing to apply to Bromfords must complete the form using the link below,  then send directly to the school for the attention of the 'Admissions Officer'.

 Click here for Mid-Year Application Form

Upon receipt of your application to the school, we aim to write to you within 10 school days to confirm if a place is being offered.  If you do not hear within this timescale, please contact the school directly to ask about your application.


Parents refused a place have a right of appeal to an independent appeals panel. Appeals should be lodged within 20 school days of a refusal letter using the appeal form which is available on the school website.

Click here for Appeals Information 

 Click here for the School Admissions Policy 2024-25

 Click here for the School Admissions Policy 2025-26