The Bromfords School

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Thank You For Taking An Interest In Our School 

Our school is a strong, caring community with an ethos based on our three core values; supporting to students to achieve; providing opportunities for enrichment in order to extend students’ education within and beyond the classroom; preparing students for the wider world and life beyond school with key life skills and learning relevant to their life, both in the present and in the future.

We have high expectations of all members of our school community, with aspirations for everyone to be the best they can be, in all that they do. Visitors to the school regularly comment on the calm and welcoming environment; we very much look forward to welcoming your child to our school.

Recent reviews of the school have validated the significant and rapid improvements in our school’s culture and ethos. The Local Authority reviews in November 2023 and May 2024 commented that:

“There is a clear sense of a ‘sea change’ across the school in terms of behaviour compliance and expectations due to the initiation and implementation of the new behaviour policy.”

“There is a sense of calm and focus around the school and in lessons. Transitions around the school between lessons and break and lunchtime are orderly, supported by the number of staff visible to monitor this.”

"Students commented that lunchtime behaviour was better and they felt safe."

"Uniform rules have been tightened, students readily adhere to these expectations”

It is impossible to capture the true spirit of our school in a single piece on our website, so I hope that we can welcome you for a visit to The Bromfords School in the very near future. Whether you are looking at us from a parental perspective or considering joining our staff, we encourage you to book onto a tour to see us first hand.

Mr J Tree












 Achieve - Enrich - Prepare