The Bromfords School

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The 'Cafe B' canteen is the main place to buy food, but we also have ‘Bromfoods’, this can be found outside by the playground, where you can buy food quickly (like a mini drive through).  Both catering Facilities are open at Break and Lunch.   Bromfoods only supplies takeaway food, whereas the canteen also provide hot meals at lunchtime. 

The canteen is also open before school from 8-8.30am serving a selection of snacks.  

You can choose whether to bring your own food or buy food at the school. Here at Bromfords we do not take cash and instead use our thumbprints to buy food.  Your parents add money to your account using the Parent Pay platform and when you scan your thumb the money will be taken from your account to pay for your food. 

In our 'Cafe B' we also operate a fast track system at set times of the year.  The Fast track 'Golden Ticket' allow you to bypass the main canteen queue.  They are given to students for exemplary attendance and conduct via our rewards system.

Click here for hot food selection served in the Canteen at Lunch 

Click here for Breakfast menu & canteen prices

Click here for details on Parent Pay

Click here to apply for Free School Meals